What is the warranty?
The warranty is 3 years for the fabric, 1 year for the components.
How does it handle wind?
The wind rating is about 27-30 MPH.
Does it come with a cover?
Double top patio umbrella comes with a beige cover. Single top patio umbrella doesn't have a cover.
Is the fabric waterproof?
Technically we call it water-repellent, it can not stand the storm, and if there is a storm, the rain will go through the gap between the two top.
Can you change the fabric if needed?
Yes, you can seach and order UMBRELLA FABRIC in our shop, remember to leave the size and color of your umbrella. It is best to contact our customer service team first. Email: purpleleafservice2@gmail.com
Is the umbrella swivel?
Yes, it is. Our cantilever umbrella can rotate 360 degrees.